“Let me love you a little more, before you’re not little anymore”
It’s hard to believe the ways in which your baby grows in the first twelve months of their life. Your tiny newborn has blossomed, and their little personality is emerging.
While this time is full of many firsts, it’s also a time of many lasts. The first time your baby smiles; the last time they fit the car capsule. The first time your baby rolls; the last time they wear newborn nappies. The first time your baby sits; the last time they need help getting into the crawling position.
With each first, parents feel great joy. With each last, a hint of sadness.
Stunning photos of your baby at this time of many firsts and lasts is the perfect way to ensure your feelings during this time of amazing growth are remembered forever.
A baby photography shoot is for your 6-12 month old, a delightful age where sitting, clapping and giggling make it easy to capture all the fun they bring to your life. I have worked with children for many years and always spend time ensuring they are relaxed and comfortable, ensuring their personality shines.
I encourage you to bring your baby’s favourite dummy, blankie or toy. Incorporating aspects that are, at this moment, integral to your baby’s life, will help to bring a smile to your face for many years to come as you remember what helped your baby develop and grow in to the amazing child, teen and adult they will one day become.
Memories fade; photos are forever.
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